Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Don't forget to attend The Wellington Chamber Luncheon Dean K. Piper will be speaking tomorrow at Noon. Call 561-506-4031 for more details.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Budweiser Clydesdales are at Polo. they are so beautiful and cool!
Tune in to www.w4cy.com now for IPC Polo match live broadcast. Cheryl Burke from Dancing with the Stars just arrived by helicopter.
Tune in to Lunch With Living Joy Rebroadcast at 11AM ET on www.w4cy.com. Then Gertrude Maxwell. Then IPC Polo Live.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tune in to the Veteran/Military version of 5 Minutes to Curtain today at 11AM ET on both www.w4cy.com and www.uecmfn.com
Tune in to the Veteran/Military version of Manage Your Credit for Life today at 10AM ET on both www.w4cy.com and www.uecmfn.com.

Monday, January 3, 2011



According to ancient Greek mythology, Pandora was the first woman created on earth upon the command of the Greek God, Zeus. Pandora was given several gifts by other greek gods and goddesses; among them was a coveted box. However, Pandora was told under no circumstances was she to open the box. Nonetheless, curiosity got the best of her and she ignored the warnings and opened the box. In doing so she let out all the evils of the world out into the world, but she closed the box just in time to trap one last virtue, HOPE. Ironically many interpreations of this myth focus on the explanation of why EVIL exists in the world today. My intention is to share an explantion of why HOPE still exists today.

To inspire is defined as “to influence, move, or guide by divine or supernatural inspiration.”
Dr. Deepak Chopra, a well known Indian-American speaker, author and teacher on Ayurvedic spirituality and mind-body medicine, has been quoted as saying “Inspiration comes from the same word as spirit. When you are inspired, the Spirit moves you.” Another definition of inspire is “to breathe life into.” As we start another new year I invite you all to allow yourselves to be inspired and let Spirit move you. Just as the Divine has given us HOPE, so has he shared many people to help INSPIRE and “breathe life into” those who need it. I also invite you to not only recognize the inspirations available to you, but to share them with others who can benefit from them as well. Keep the HOPE and INSPIRATION moving. Share them joyfully, willingly and lovingly. These actions will come back to you tenfold.

To motivate is defined as “to give someone a reason to do something, to offer them incentive or drive them forward.” Whereas Inspiration stems from within, Motivation is derived from outside motivating forces; for example, Money, Love, Lack, Necessity, or Fear. I’m not saying one is better than the other. I think there is a time and place for both and we should incorporate both, as well as Hope, as we gear up to face another year. Zig Ziglar, a motivational speaker who has published nearly 50 books on the subject, says, "It is your attitude, not your aptitude, that determines your altitude." He also says, "People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing... that's why we recommend it daily." Very well put, Mr. Ziglar.

In addition to daily motivation, I recommend daily prayer and meditation. Since Prayer is asking of the Divine and Meditation is listening for the response, one can’t effectively do one without the other. By having this daily communication we get in touch with our inner voice that connects us spiritually and enables us to be more aware of and open to the Hope, Inspirations and Motivations that are gifted to us constantly. Furthermore, if Motivation is merely a fleeting kick in the keister to move us forward, who better to receive it from than the Creator himself?

Another tool for the New Year I’d like to share is Dreams. Don’t forget to have them. Don’t discount them; for, Dreams have the power to Inspire and Motivate because they offer a glimpse of the Hope we can hold onto. A dream can represent a prayer or represent a meditative response. Believe in your Dreams. Don’t let anyone else make light of them. Make them your own and allow them to empower you. Furthermore, don’t hesitate to dream BIG. “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss you will land among the stars.” I recently had a fortune cookie remind me not to pursue happiness, but to create it. I’ve written over and over that to be joyful is part of the divine plan for all of us, but as Mr. Ziglar said it starts with the attitude. In other words it starts within us. We then co-create the rest. Don’t be your own worst enemy and don’t let your limitations overshadow your talents. Think of yourself as a surfer and Life as a wave and ride it out. There’s no predicting what the tides, water will do. React to shifts in speed or direction as necessary. Hang on tight and never stop believing in yourself.

Until next time, may your days be brighter and your lives be lighter.
Lightworker Lisa

Let me ignite the light in your life!

A Lightworker is someone with an innate ability to know and heal and whose divine mission is to write, teach or counsel others about spiritual teachings. Lisa Dawn Wax, aka Lightworker Lisa, is a born Lightworker, certified Angel Healing Practitioner and Reiki Master Practitioner; all of which basically confirm her intuitive abilities to help, heal and teach. Using reiki (energy healing), guided meditations, divine messages and intuitive readings, she has helped many people to identify the source of their pain, clarify current life situations, and successfully redirect their focus into positive channels. If you are in need of affordable healing and life coaching with immediate results, call her at 561-594-3948 or visit her website www.lightworkerlisa.com. You can also listen to her new weekly radio show “The Youtopia Hour” on W4CY.com Mondays at 2PM ET.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Tune in to The Power of You on www.w4cy.com at 3PM ET with SPECIAL Guest Allstarrtileandinteriors talking expert & creative renovations
Would you like to have a radio show on an all military/veterans network where we help causes of our soldiers & veterans? Call 561-506-4031
W4CY radio interviewed Vanilla Ice and Wes Kain Mafia this weekend at WinterFest as we talked about how much he helps Toys for Tots, the community. The mantra: Friends and Family come first.
W4CY Radio interviewed Congressman Elect Allen West about catch and release and Michael Behenna at WinterFest after the Salute to the Troops
A photographer from the Palm Beach Post just left. It was like being in a photo shoot even though it was for a newspaper article.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Want FREE advertising for the rest of December? Call 561-506-4031 by 11AM to find out how.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Have fun, get entertained & informed on Intertainment Tuesday @W4CY Radio streaming live @ w4cy.com. Click shows 2C schedule of great shows.
Who wants to WIN a FREE 3 month membership to LA Fitness? Go to www.w4cy.com and click enter to WIN!
We need under 3000 more signatures by Thanksgiving for an American hero to go home to his family. Please go to www.petitiononline.com/MBehenna/petition.html and sign the petition

Thursday, November 11, 2010

We can get you in the news. Would you like to get your business seriously noticed or just become a popular radio personality? This is a great revenue and/or income generator. Well then you need to contact W4CY Radio at 561-506-4031. Check out the following google search to see how our station's own radio host is receiving Veteran of the Year today and it has made just about every major news wire in the USA. We can help you too!: http://ping.fm/5QvX7

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Judgment Day – It may come sooner than you think.

If you judge people, you have no time to love them. – Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa’s words are so simple and yet so profound. Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary defines the verb “to judge” as to form an opinion about through careful weighing of evidence. Ironically, however, I believe that most people judge others without careful consideration of evidence. Most people are hasty in their impressions of others and judge them without evidence to actually support the judgment being made. Another definition states that to judge is to decide upon critically. This further worsens the judgment by not only jumping to a conclusion, but also jumping to a negative conclusion. I’m sure all of us are guilty of passing judgment at one time or another. It seems to be human nature to judge what is different or what we don’t understand. These irrational judgments are based solely in fear. All of us want to feel safe and loved and occasionally when we come across someone else who may appear to threaten those very necessary, basic emotions, we immediately judge them and label them so that we can safely put them in a place that no longer poses a threat. But, just as Mother Teresa proclaims, I’m here to say that it is far better to come from a place of love than a place of fear. Shifting our focus from fear to love is the key to practicing a life without judgment.

Judge not lest ye be judged. – Jesus Christ

How do you feel when you know someone has passed an unfair judgment upon you? Perhaps there was a time when you were having a bad day and inadvertently were rude to someone. Their immediate response, most likely, was to think you were a mean person. Most people don’t think to ask, “Is everything OK with you today?” They just know that they felt hurt when treated badly and they respond in kind. It is a fear-based reaction to a fear-based stimulus. What came first the chicken or the egg? I think that most of us judge others in retaliation of feelings, new and old, of being judged. However, while this may explain the behavior, it certainly does not excuse it. If you do judge someone unfairly and you realize it, don’t hesitate to apologize for it. In doing so you benefit yourself as well as the other person and may very possibly create a chain reaction for more healing.

If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change. Michael Jackson –“Man in the Mirror”

So if passing judgment seems to come naturally to most of us as an unconscious, fear-based, behavior, how do we start to change that to a conscious behavior of love and eradicate, or at least minimize making judgments? The first step is to acknowledge change is desired and necessary. The next step is to start from within, as the first person to stop judging is you. On a spiritual level we have our True Self and our Ego Self. Our True Self is in constant alignment with Divine Spirit – God, and Love. Our Ego Self is governed by judgment, guilt, and fear of the material world. Honor and love your True Self, whomever he/she may be, and do not fear judgment from others by doing so. Let go and release all self-judgment. Be true to your own happiness. When you take responsibility for your own happiness, you take back your power for your own happiness. Recently I have started to work more and more with the Archangels, or Chief Messengers of God. Archangel Zadkiel, whose name means “righteousness of God” and is considered the angel of mercy because of his role in stopping Abraham from sacrificing his son, Isaac, as an offering to God, can help you to let go of judgment by seeing the Divine light within your True Self and others, instead of focusing on the Ego Self. All that you have to do is ask him and allow him to help you. It’s really that simple.

At judgment day a man will have to account for all the good things he might have enjoyed but didn’t. - Jewish proverb.

Don’t wait for the proverbial judgment day before you give yourself a life review. At regular intervals, from time to time, whenever it feels right, look at your life. Not to judge it, but to learn from it. A life review allows you to recognize and account for specific behaviors, actions, spoken words that you may wish you had done differently, so that if a similar situation presents itself again you have a second chance to make positive adjustments and do it another way. The aforementioned Jewish proverb is one of my favorites because it reminds us that to experience joy is one of our essential missions here on earth. It is written throughout the Talmud, the Jewish book of laws, that it is our duty to be joyful. We must pray with joy, we must express joy; we must live a life of joy. If we are centered in love and focused on joy, there is little room left for fear and judgment. So where as Mother Teresa said, “If you judge people you have no time to love them.” I say, “If you love people, you have no time to judge them.”

Until next time, may your days be brighter and your lives be lighter.
Lightworker Lisa

Let me ignite the light in your life!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

New prime time slots have been made available on the #1 ranked WPB internet radio station with listeners in over 150 countries and all US states. Contact us at 561-506-4031 to find out how to get a FREE month and a FREE advertising package.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Would anyone like to help the most dedicated Veteran, David Knapp. He is in Virginia right now and has an award to receive as Veteran of the Year, but needs a plane ticket from Newport News, VA to WPB coming 11/9 and leaving 11/11. He had a someone sponsoring it, but it fell through. Who can help this great Veteran who has helped so many others?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Something Terrible Has Happened To Lt. Michael Behenna - The Philadelphia Bulletin Archives http://ping.fm/z1tpO
Every person has 1000 wishes. A cancer patient only has one: to get better. I know that 97% will not post this as their status, but I know that my friends will be one of the 3% and put this as their status, at least for an hour, in honor or those who died because of cancer or are still fighting that's for all of those people with any kind.
Anyone who books an appointment for today (before 4pm) will get 25% of their entire service!!! If you can not make it pass this amazing 6 hour sale along to your friends or family!!! 561-833-7411 (Mention W4CY)
Shu Uemura BLOW OUT Special!!! We are selling our entire product line of Shu Uemura hair products. Enjoy 40% off savings of the ENTIRE LINE. So stop by the salon for any of our services or simply pop in to get some of the industries best products for pennies to the dollar!! www.shuuemura-usa.com
Like UEC & support all Veterans/Active Military http://ping.fm/YZhgc
Hope all of you were able to listen yesterday! More to come! In the meantime, go to www.defendmichael.com and help an American hero.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Another surprise political guest on Knapster Show today 4-6pm ET on www.w4cy.com More details to follow in one hour.
Do you want the best, newest high fashion hairstyle of today by Cosmo DiSchino and the rest of the Cosmo Family at a price you would have paid in 1989? In honor of the 22nd anniversary of Cosmo And Company. Call 561-833-7411 mention W4CY radio and receive 25% off all selected product and services at the best salon in South Florida. Call now and book your appoinment
Listen to the Knapster Show sponsored by UEC today 4-6PM ET www.w4cy.com. Help a Mother free an American hero . www.defendmichael.com
VERY IMPORTANT FOR ALL AMERICANS! Drop everything and listen to today's Radio Show. If you ever tuned into a radio show, today is the most important time to stop whatever you are doing and LISTEN to The Knapster show form 4-6PM ET sponsored by huge supporter of the cause we will be talking about United Electronics Corp...oration (UEC) on W4CY Radio brought to you by The Intertainment Network at www.w4cy.com. We need everyone's support by listening tomorrow. If you are an American who cares about our soldiers is tired of being politically correct towards terrorists then tune in. We will be interviewing the Mother of Michael Behenna. She and the whole family needs your help to raise awareness of the travesties going on. More importantly, every American needs help with this cause for our future. 1st Lieutenant Michael Behenna is currently in prison unjustly for defending his own life against a known terrorist in a combat zone. Last I knew wasn't the purpose of this war to defend America against terrorists not send them safely home to their families while our soldiers lose their own freedom just for doing their job that they are ordered to do. You need to know more. The key is awareness and we are going to give it to you. It is time that the American people know the truth and stand up and fight for what is right. There is no way an American hero should be punished for defending our safety and freedom and you probably don't even know what's happening. Let's all band together as Americans and STOP the INSANITY! Listen to this Mother's story cause it just could be you next!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Who would be interested in having a radio show that would benefit Veteran/Active Military Causes? Call 561-506-4031 now for more info.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Dr. Vinny is Back and more entertaining than ever!

Dr. Vinny returns to W4CY Radio Tonight . . .Thursday October 7 at 6PM ET. Don't miss this show.  He's more entertaining than ever and will be offering some incredible specials tonight for his listeners. This will be fun, interesting, and informative.  He's more than just a great cosmetic dentist. He's an artist and an entertainer.  It's the trip to the dentist you can't wait for

Mention W4CY & Get a


*for patients with no insurance

Call Dr. Vinny's office at 561-966-2000 for a FREE Evaluation.

Go to http://www.drvinnythedentist.com/.

You will be amazed at what you find. 

This is the only dentist for you if you want the best service, the most incredible pain-free smile, and a deal that will definitely put a smile on your face.

Find out more on our website...

Check out our whole show schedule

at www.w4cy.com/shows.html

Also, right before Dr. Vinny, tune in to www.w4cy.com at 4PM ET for  a SPECIAL LIVE interview with Horror Punk Band, The Murder Dolls during Fan Base . This band features Wednesday 13 and Joey Jordison (drummer of Slipknot and Rob Zombie). We will talk about their new album Women and Children First and the Halloween Tour with Alice Cooper and Rob Zombie. Mick Mars of Motley Crue was also featured on their new album by Roadrunner Records.

Live out of our new Virginia Veteran/Military Studios, It's the

United Electronics Corporation, W4CY Radio, and The Knapster Show want you to help an American Hero.

Go to www.defendmichael.com

Exciting News for next week!

  • Don't forget to RSVP to the epic party/event of the year next Friday, October 15 at 6-8PM ET by clicking http://www.facebook.com/drmotivator?v=app_2344061033#!/event.php?eid=157025490983410&index=1 if you want to:
  • Leading from Within Business Success Show hosted by Sid Kemp added another hour on Mondays at 1PM ET right after Lunch with Living Joy. If you want a complete balanced joyful business and personal life then don't miss either of these shows.
  • Catch the newest, funniest show out of our Los Angeles studios every Monday at 10PM ET.  It's Going Commando!
  • Passion for People Talk Radio hosted by celebrity author Samantha Elphick will be on tonight at 9PM ET and next week will start it's new, better time slot due to the popularity of the show.  If you have not listened yet, it's time to start.

Who wants to have a FREE radio show for a month? There is a catch. Call 561-506-4031 to find out how.

W4CY Radio brought you by

The Intertainment Network &

4C Marketing Group

Why? Because We Intertain You!


Information Hotline: 1-877-4CGOALS or 561-506-4031

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W4CY Radio Weekly Update


Tune in and Listen to www.w4cy.com this week

Intertainment Weekly

Scroll down for this week's show schedule

NEW Shows and NEW Times

Celebrate Dean K. Piper's & Jimmy Star's  Birthday

Check out all the information about the Birthday Party that you are all invited to below!

This week is a long email because there is so much great news and events going on.  Please view the whole email so you don't miss some surprises for opportunites to get FREE advertising and/or support some very important causes.  You will be glad you took the time.

Think Pink!

In honor of breast cancer awareness month, we will be offering a substantial discount up to 50% to new clients or existing clients for additional services for having your own radio show, a marketing package, advertising, and/or web development. Plus, a percentage of all proceeds will go to benefit Pink. Call 561-506-4031 to find out how much of a discount you qualify for plus how you can help with Breast Cancer Awareness.

If anyone knows a person or business who would like to have their own radio show, TV show, marketing/advertising, or web development we are offering a 10% finder's fee plus 10% will be donated to Breast Cancer awareness on your behalf when you refer them to us and they do business in honor of Breast Cancer ...Awareness Month. Call me at 561-506-4031. If it is you that needs any of these service, then a special substantial discount on services will be applied plus the donation to Breast Cancer Awareness.

Think Pink Party/Event

Epic Birthday/Anniversary Party and

Hairstyling Fashion Event of the Year

Click Here to attend!

Celebrating Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Collecting Pink dollars to benefit breast cancer. Cosmo and Company and W4CY Radio support Pink.

Come out and support PINK by having fun at this epic party/event on October 15th at 6-8PM ET

Celebrate the Birthdays of :

Speaker, Host, Author Dean K. Piper

Celebrity Fashion Designer Jimmy Star

Sabrina Alexis of Cosmo & Company

Celebrate the 21st Anniversary of:

Cosmo and Company Salon & Spa

Whether you are family, a friend, a fan, or just anyone in South Florida you are all invited to have a blast and celebrate the above birthdays and anniversary and support Pink at the same time!

Please come join us for Food, Drink, and Entertainment!

FREE Gift Certificates, Prizes, Contests, Giveaways!

SPECIAL BONUS:  Come to the event where W4CY Radio will be broadcasting live and ask Dean K. Piper how to get FREE advertising as his birthday gift to you for celebrating with him. Or call 561-506-4031 now to RSVP and receive a SPECIAL Advertising Gift.

If you would like to sponsor this event with wine, alcohol, or any other entertainment call 561-506-4031 and let us know.  We will make it worth your while.  It will pay to sponsor this event.

Friday October 15th from 6pm - 8:30pm we will be celebrating our 21 anniversary at our beloved salon!! It's 90's theme custom party!!! That we will have free drinks, food, prizes and music!!! and of course special discounts on our products and services! So make sure you turn 21 with us all over again!!!!

The first 250 guest receive a gift for attendingCosmo and Company's 21 Anniversary Birthday celebration for Dean K. Piper, Jimmy Star and our very own Sabrina Alexes. Its going to be a celebration people!
Press Release:

Models, New Hairdos & just plain fun! That’s what you will find on 10/15 from 6-8PM at Cosmo and Company Full-service hair salon. Announcing a W4CY Radio Premiere Hairstyling Event. where W4CY Radio will be broadcasting live at the salon on the intracoastal offering FREE expert hair consultations, contests, giveaways, great prizes & fun for everyone. Let’s see you with the rest of the Crowd at Cosmo and Company Friday October 15th from 6-8PM. Get there early for SPECIAL VIP treatment.
It’s a major birthday bash and fashion hairstyling event! Dean K. Piper & Jimmy Star from W4CY Radio and Sabrina from Cosmo and Company will be celebrating birthdays on October 15th and you are all invited. The event will have an emphasis on 1990 "hairstyles" to celebrate 21 years of Cosmo & Company. Models, New Hairdos, Food, Alcohol, Activities, Zumba demos, Spiritual readings and just plain fun! That’s what you will find on October 15th from 6-8PM at Cosmo and Company Full-service hair salon. Announcing a W4CY Radio Premiere Hairstyling Birthday Event. Come down to Cosmo and Company at 1551 NORTH FLAGLER DRIVE on the intracoastal of downtown West Palm Beach where W4CY Radio will be broadcasting live along with DJ Music offering FREE expert hair consultations, contests, raffles, gift certificates, giveaways, great prizes and fun for everyone. Mark your calendar. Let’s see you with the rest of the Crowd at Cosmo and Company Friday October 15th from 6-8PM. Get there early for SPECIAL VIP treatment. Goodie bags for the first 250 guests that arrive. Don’t miss the epic party of the year! Food & Drinks provided. Any FIRST TIME client that uses code W4CY will receive 25% off services (with select providers). Special savings on salon products all night! Don’t miss the epic party of the year!

Special appearance by The Sexy Nutritionist out of California and other possible celebrities.

Next week we will also have changes to the shedule

Keep updated at www.w4cy.com/shows.html

Scroll to bottom for SPECIAL OFFERS from Sponsors


New Times open for your own Radio/TV Show in any city in the US! 

Marketing Programs for ANY Budget!

We are testing NEW Email formats. So watch your inbox for a new easier to view Email in the coming weeks. First caller to notice the new format will WIN a FREE Month of Advertsing

Announcing W4CY Radio's NEW Veteran and Military Studio in Virginia, Command Central of The Knapster Show

Would you like to have a military and/or Veterans Radio or TV  show.  Let us know.  Call 561-506-4031

Would you like to help and sponsor our veteran and soldier causes?

Call 561-506-4031 Now!

Let's Support the Sponsor of The Knapster Show
UEC’s main focus is the support of Veterans

and active soldiers from all branches.

UEC and The Knapster Show are pleading for your help with this American Hero.  Go to the website and donate, write to Michael, and most importantly write to your congressman or anyone else in government that can help this cause.

Please go to the website and familiarize yourself with the case. Please spread the word to all your friends, family, and anyone you know.  Let the media know how much we need to help this American hero. Reach out to Senators and Congressman.

Michael Behenna
First Lieutenant Michael Behenna is a young Army Ranger who is currently serving a 20 year sentence at Fort Leavenworth for “unpremeditated murder” of a known member of Al Qaeda. 1st Lieutenant Michael Behenna was an excellent officer. He received his call to serve his country while attending the University of Central Oklahoma. He is from a family of public servants, his mother being an Assistant United States Attorney and his father a retired Special Agent with the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation. He has served the Army and the United States with honor and dignity. To sacrifice the life of this Oklahoma soldier over the death of a known terrorist, is a breech of faith with all who are serving our country.

We urgently need your help to correct this terrible wrong against a loyal and faithful soldier. Please contact your congressman and ask them to intervene on behalf of 1LT Behenna. For more information please visit www.defendmichael.com

Click Here to see a downloadable brochure w/info you need to know about Michael Behenna

Attention All Americans!

Information You need to know!

You need to be educated on Catch and Release. Check out the following link. It will shock you. Pay close attention to part four with the General. It just may turn your stomach when he says that losing our soldiers was worth the sacrifice. If this star is indicative of who is making decisions then it is no wonder we released 77,000 out of the 87,000 insurgents we captured, and it is also no wonder the soldiers are demoralized when they have to fight the same guys over and over.
Here is the article on the Taliban being released by our US Army to their communities on a pledge they will not join their murderous friends. Ridiculous.

Listen to The Power of You Radio Show Tuesday, October 5 at Noon ET for a very SPECIAL GUEST who wants to help you and wants your support for positive change.  Don't Miss This!.  She will also be appearing at The Cosmo and Company Anniversary Party on October 15th 6-8PM ET

About Sherry

Hello everyone. I’m Sherry Lee and I’m running for County Commissioner. I have been a resident of Palm Beach County for 31 years and a small business owner for 26 years. I am a nationally published writer, I have been a Realtor since 1996, and I am the proud mother of an amazing teenager at Suncoast Community High School. All of my adult life, I have volunteered on a variety of state and local boards serving my community. I understand the issues we are facing. Now I hope to continue serving the residents of Palm Beach County as the next county commissioner. My opponent has been sitting for 16 years on the school board, which is in complete turmoil. The board and administrators are embroiled in charges of fraud, corruption, waste and mismanagement. We simply cannot allow this to carry over to the county commission, which is trying to recover from a similar reputation. I think we can agree, Palm Beach County needs new leadership. There are no strings attached to my campaign. I am free to work for the 98% of us who don’t have a lobbyist! With the November 2nd election fast approaching, I need your help now, so I can help you as the next county commissioner. Voters have a clear choice between my opponent, who has been part of the problem for 16 years, or an involved citizen and community leader like me, who is part of the solution we need to get people back to work. If we want economic recovery, we need government reform. And government will not reform itself. Your financial support today will help me get this message to every voter and help get the reform underway! So please give what you can, and know that as your county commissioner, I will work as hard as you do every day to make Palm Beach County a respected and affordable place to live and do business once again.I’m Sherry Lee and I’m one of you. Candidate for Palm Beach County Commissioner, District 2.Thank you.

Memberships and Board Affiliations

·  National Association of Realtors (NAR)

·  Realtors Association of the Palm Beaches (RAPB)

·  Regional Multiple Listing Service (RMLS)

·  Palm Beach Board of Realtors

·  Chamber of Commerce of the Palm Beaches

·  Downtown Development Authority (DDA)

·  Citizens Concerned about Airport Noise (CCAN)

·  Business Development Board of the Palm Beaches

·  C.U.T.S. (Cut Unfair Taxes and Spending)

·  Florida Ballot Initiative – Taxation and Budget Reform

·  Girl Scouts of America

·  El Cid Historic Neighborhood Association

·  Mango Promenade Historic Neighborhood Association

·  Prospect Park – Southland Park Neighborhood Association

·  Monceaux Neighborhood Association

·  Whispering Trails Neighborhood Association

·  North Captiva Island Club

·  Upper Captiva Civic Association

·  Town of Jupiter Beautification Committee

·  Cato Institue

·  Florida Tax Watch

·  South Florida Science Museum

·  Palm Beach Zoo at Dreher Park

·  Ann Norton Sculpture Garden

·  Armory Arts Center

·  Norton Museum

·  TAB (Taxpayer Action Board)

Sherry Lee’s Goals for Palm Beach County:

As your county commissioner, I will work to ….

Lower your taxes so you keep more of your money

Reduce wasteful government spending and regulation

Help small businesses create new jobs

Strengthen and expand our new ethics rules

Help make Palm Beach County an affordable place to live, do business and take pride in once again.


1)Reduce wasteful county spending: a) Prioritize the budget in order to identify non-essential expenditures b) Consider zero based budgeting and other accounting methods c) Enact a sunset review ordinance that would routinely examine programs and projects and reduce, postpone or eliminate as necessary  d) Examine capital projects that are not under contract and consider postponing or eliminating some.

2)Reduce taxes and fees: a) Privatize some county services b) Bring public worker pay and benefits back in line with the private sector  c) Implement sustainability guidelines for government union contracts  d) Seek charter changes to increase efficiency, transparency and public input into budgets of PBSO and other constitutional offices.

3)Create Private Sector jobs: a) Roll back property taxes or create a tax holiday for commercial and non-homesteaded properties, b) Create tax incentives for small businesses c) Eliminate redundant business regulatory processes and fees

4)Strengthen new ethics rules a) expand to include campaign financing b)end the ability of elected officials to take donations from vendors to whom they award contracts b)require all constitutional officers to participate in the new ethics rules c) require full public disclosure of all boards on which elected officials serve

5)Restore Original Charter a)our 1985 voter approved ‘Home Rule’ form of Charter Government originated with 16 departments and has since grown to over 70 different departments b)examine all additional departments for their viability and sustainability

c)shift the non-essential departments to municipalities or neighborhood civic associations for more localized, private control

For more information, contact Campaign Manager, Michele Kirk, 561-262-0501

Visit our website www.SherryLee4PBC.com

DONATE HERE www.SherryLee4PBC.com/donate/

Email: sherry@sherrylee4pbc.com
Political advertisement paid for and approved by Sherry Lee for County Commission District 2. Copyright © 2010 South Florida Grassroots Research, LLC

Exciting News!

A new show is a hit at W4CY Radio this Thursday, 9PM ET. Starting October 14th, be intertained and informed at a new time of 7PM ET by an incredible Speaker, Coach, and Author.  Most importantly, Samantha Elphick who is very involved in the Polo World is an incredible woman with an amazing story.  So make sure to tune in to The Passion 4 People Talk Show this Thursday at 9PM ET and every other Thursday at 7PM ET.

Call 561-506-4031 to attend, sponsor, or be involved in an Epic Hairstyling and Entertainment event on October 15th at Cosmo and Company.  Email dean@w4cy.com for more details on this exciting event

Check out the GRAND RE-OPENING of Fiesta Pet Deli, the official Sponsor of Pet Health Cafe, your favorite pet Radio show at W4CY Radio every Monday and Wednesday at 8PM ET

They have been working hard constucting the best healthy pet store in South Florida, if not the world.  Fiesta Pet Deli is located in Festival Flea Market on Sample Rd. in Coconut Creek just east of The Turnpike.  They have everything you could ever want for a happy and healthy pet including the most amazing real foods deli counter, strollers, clothes, and so much more.  Visit the store.  You and your pet will be thrilled you did. FREE DELIVERY is South Florida for food as well.

Please help some of the Non-Profit Organizations we Support

As Featured on NBC News

This important Foundation needs your help!

More importantly, children need your help!

Donate and/or Volunteer

Horses Healing Hearts Helps Children of Alcoholic & Addictive Families

Help these children take control of their life while being happy and productive

Click Here to check out their website


New & Exciting News


W4CY Happenings This Week!

Go to www.w4cy.com/shows.htm to see great changes to our weekly schedule.  We have all NEW shows and NEW time Slots we just opened up that could be yours if you ever dreamed of having your own radio show or if you want an opportunity to make $10,000/month and more while having fun!


This Week's Radio Show Schedule

*All shows are ET

Brand New Hit Comedy Show out of LA hits W4CY Radio every Monday at 10PM ET

Come spend an hour of Happy Time with us...

GOING COMMANDO! with Mae Aswell and Joe Andrews!

Live Monday nights, 7pm ET - W4CY.com

Watch your inbox for more details about this show, The Sexy Nutritionist, and other great new shows from

our Los Angeles W4CY studios

Lunch with Living Joy hosted by Sid Kemp

Life is a Flow of Joy, Full of Problems

Mondays 11-1AM ET

Leading From Within Business Success Show hosted by Sid Kemp

Wednesdays 7PM ET

New Times for Sexy Nutritionist

Tuesdays at 1PM ET

Fridays at 1PM ET

New Time for Credit Repair starts this week at 10AM ET on Thursday

Have your own show!

Call 561-506-4031

Saturday Business & Music Programming

Create an infomercial for your business!

Find out how to advertise your business for FREE by emailing saturday@w4cy.com

Second Chance Sundays - Missed Your Favorite Show? - Best of Replays

Check the Show Schedule at http://w4cy.com/shows.html

Attention Show Hosts:

Find out how to get your show on

Second Chance Sundays

Stay Tuned!  More Exciting Radio & TV to Come

on W4CY Radio & ITV on www.w4cy.com!!!

Take advantage of Great Offers from our Sponsors

This week's Featured Sponsor. You must experience the Best Full-Service Salon in South Florida.  Find out how to Save like it is 1990 or be a Hair Model!

Call 561-506-4031 to attend, sponsor, or be involved in an Epic Hairstyling and Entertainment event on October 1st at Cosmo and Company.  Email dean@w4cy.com for more details on this exciting event.

Wow look at this place! Oh Honey, I can’t believe you brought me to Cosmo and Company. I heard that for over 22 years if you want to be pampered in paradise this the place. 

Yeah, look at that view of Palm Beach’s Intracoastal, or better yet check out all those hot hairstyles

I know I am so excited to be here. Look, there’s Cosmo now! I wonder if I will actually get to meet him. Maybe I could be Cosmo’s next hair model. 

Actually, you can. Tell all your friends to call 561-833-7411 to be a hair model with the greatest artists around. Ooh what’s this say. Call 561-833-7411 or just visit cosmoandcompany.net, Mention W4CY Radio and all prices will be rolled back to 1990. Wow!  Now I am happy!  

Honey, this was the greatest gift ever.  I love you! 

I love Cosmo and Company.  Hot style and talented artistry at retro prices with selected stylists is awaiting you at Cosmo, your favorite full service salon.  Book your appointment now 561-833-7411. The valet is waiting.


More Exciting News to Come. Watch Your Inbox

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