Monday, February 15, 2010



My brother always told me that the most attractive asset he could ever find in a woman was confidence. It took me quite awhile (and some growing up) to understand what he meant, but now I know. When someone is confident and they approve of themselves, it shows, and everyone around them jumps on the bandwagon, too! However, it is easier said than done, isn't it?

Alot of confidence comes from a positive body image - but how the heck do we achieve that? How do we stop the FAT TALK we give ourselves and everyone around us (be careful, here, too, because it's contagious!)? Is it possible to break away from the images we have of what makes a woman beautiful - and instead find out what makes US beautiful? What steps can we take to love our bodies as well as all aspects of us?

Tune in today to REAL WOMEN LIVE at 6pm ET to hear this amazing show! Our guest is Joanna Kandal from The Alliance of Eating Disorders Awareness - and she is going to provide us with the answers we need! Listen to the show by going to this website at 6pm ET today -!

To learn more about the show, go to!

Oh yes, join us in the chatroom and we'll read your questions and comments live on the air!

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